In any business, your IDENTITY is SUPER important!
It’s even so important that Richmond Dinh (interesting coach by the way) even has this as his number plate on his Porche! Haha.
But he also stated that when talking about identity, there are 6 types of identities that can stop you from achieving your goals …
- The Perfectionist
- The Pleaser
- The Procrastinator
- The Pretender
- The Payne
- The Periodic
Let’s go over them because I’m sure you’ll recognize all of them at least in one area or another.
1. The Perfectionist
The perfectionist is the person that spends endless hours to finish something … Just to get it all perfect.
Like spending more than two hours on a single social media post.
Or spending two days or more on a presentation for a webinar.
This person just can’t stop tweaking and twitching a certain design, presentation, speech, idea, plan … Just because he or she wants it to be perfect.
But perfect does not exist. Being too much of a perfectionist can stop you from achieving your goals as it slows you down.
That’s why we love to say:
Move before you’re ready, my dear! 🏇
Loes Derks
2. The Pleaser
The pleaser is that person that can’t handle rejection or critique and wants to be liked by everyone.
Imagine you’re selling products, does everyone buy it? Of course not. Does that mean your product is bad? Of course not.
If you’re in business you need to stand out for something. That means you have a clear voice, opinion, and a certain way of doing things to help your audience.
However, that might not be for everyone. And that is … just fine.
Don’t doubt your products, services or ideas because you’ve received some critique.
Own it, see if you can improve something, and move on.
Do not start to please people when they do not agree with you. It will diminish your position for no good reason.
People only follow a leader that is confident about his or her thing. Whether it’s a product, a viewpoint, an opinion or a statement.
There is always room for improvement but remain loyal to yourself and your business vision.
3. The Procrastinator
The Procrastinator is the person that always postpones everything … If something needs to be done, the answer is something like, ‘yeah I’ll do that later’.
Later become tomorrow, next week, someday. But … Someday leads to a town called nowhere.
So when you need to do something you do not like, and you’re asking when to do this, the best answer is always to do it NOW.
Now is always the answer. Don’t leave room for procrastination and you’ll be surprised how quickly you advance in reaching your goals!
4. The Pretender
The Pretender uses the ‘fake-it-until-you-make-it’ approach.
Don’t lie, people will sense this. Your prospects will go like:
‘It feels weird’ or ‘there’s something odd about this person’. ‘Something just doesn’t feel right.’
‘I don’t know. I’m not sure about this.’
This is different than making something look better than it is. E.g. if you look at marketing collateral from Mc Donalds, the burgers will not look the same on your plate.
It will look a lot tastier in the marketing collateral than on your plate, but that is ok.
You get the difference between lying and selling, I assume.
5. The Payne
This is an interesting one. We all know someone that always has an excuse for everything.
The Payne is the person that replies with a ‘yes, but’ to every solution … Almost like if he or she is looking to burry him or herself in excuses.
Nobody likes to help someone that is stuck with excuses. the glass is half full rather than half empty! Try to have a growth mindset instead of a static mindset.
Then you’ll find solutions for every problem that comes your way.
6. The Periodic
This is the one that I need to be most careful of myself: the Periodic. This is the person that can’t be consistent and tries something just once and then stops …
Me too I am guilty! I need to improve my self-discipline to not be periodic when doing things.
I am always the first to start new things and enthusiastic about it, but you have to be consistent in showing up …

However, I know we all face these identities so now and then in different areas possibly.
Being aware of them gives you the power to overcome them tough!
So, acknowledge this for yourself too.
Who can relate to this? Which identity is holding you back mostly?
6 Identities that stop you from achieving your goals
In any business, your IDENTITY is SUPER important! It’s even so important that Richmond Dinh (interesting coach by the way) even has this as his number plate on his Porche! Haha. But he also stated that when talking about identity, there are 6 types of identities that can stop you from achieving your goals …
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